Manna Naked Recipe


Manna Naked Recipe provides a healthier and convenient alternative solution to most households that want to eat a healthy & filling meal but are too busy to cook, don’t like to cook, or don’t know how to cook, without compromising the deliciousness that comfort food brings.



Meatcopedia is a comprehensive program designed to empower and enhance the knowledge of every red meat expert with a strong focus on sustainability. Our mission is to foster the growth of the Indonesian food and beverage industry, particularly in the meat sector.

Butchery Training Centre


We believe that butchery is an art form, requiring precision, craftsmanship, and a deep understanding of the meat industry. At our state-of-the-art training facility, we offer comprehensive programs designed to provide hands-on training and theoretical knowledge in all aspects of butchery. Our experienced instructors, who are industry experts themselves, impart valuable insights and techniques, ensuring that each student receives the highest level of education and training.